It's pure luck (or maybe karma) that I even looked at this game, but I'm really glad I bought it for more than one reason. The day it came out, Tess had just that morning asked me what I had been playing, and I answered "Path of Exile". Her response was "Don't you ever play things with non-depressing titles?". If that conversation hadn't happened, I probably wouldn't have looked very deeply at the news of the release on Steam, and I might have missed a game that is both fun and innovative. Before I get into the ways in which the actual game design is innovative, I should mention two things. First, it's a really fun little game . I don't expect to be playing it fanatically, but it doesn't require a huge time commitment yet has some strategic depth and fun storytelling. I'll likely have it installed for a long time, playing it in short spurts when I haven't the time for a deeper game or am just taking a break. Se...
Comments, Observations, and Reviews about computer gaming from a looong-time gamer