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New Stellaris patch - the power of a name, the sadness of the lame

Paradox just shipped a free update to Stellaris featuring a story written by Alexis Kennedy. That's enough to get me to think about trying it again.

I checked out the patch notes, and I see a lot of clean up of things that bugged me about the game.

But wait a minute. These are the notes for the fourth major patch, and they clean up things that were wrong (sometimes obviously) from the start?

I'll chalk it up to development priorities; certainly there was a lot missing that needed to be added, and since the main point of the game is to look like a 4X while actually being a 1X bolted on to a standard Paradox set-piece political game I guess problems with the other three Xes were not as high a priority.

I'm certain I'll try Stellaris again at some point, especially if they get more good writers in on making snippets for it. But I doubt it will ever really be my kind of game.


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